I seem to be stuck on foxes these days! By coincidence, karma, good luck or just a unique blessing from God, I have had an opportunity to see and photograph my very own "foxy" friend.
The last two mornings while on my walk in a habitat area near my home I have been treated with a glimpse of this red fox. Yesterday, I saw it ever so briefly as it crossed the road and disappeared into some rocks. This morning it seemed to be playing a game of hide and seek with me. I was actually surprised to see it there again, but this time it stopped long enough to get a good look at it through my binos AND snap two photos before it trotted off. A few moments later I saw it again sitting on a rocky outcropping back lit by the morning sun looking like it was just waiting for me to see it posed that way. Beautiful! As soon as I spotted it, off it trotted again beckoning me to follow. Of course, I did, but it had slipped into some rocks again and I lost it.
Siting this fox was a first for me. I have seen them in captivity, studied them through taxidermy mounts, and most recently through the photos of my friend and client, Nancy Sattler. I have never had the opportunity to see one in the wild. This was exciting and even more so because I have just finished these two red fox paintings. And because this one appeared to be as curious about me as I was about him/her.
I hope I get a chance to see this one again. The images that it presented me with this morning certainly give me ideas for yet another fox painting. It made my morning to see it there in the early sunrise. Perhaps it will make your day as well. Enjoy!