Brrrrr!!! It's a chilly 10 degrees here this morning, but the sun was finally shining and cold or not I had to get out and be in it's bright brilliance. We've had so many dark, foggy, dreary days lately that the sun is definitely a welcome sight! We had light snow all weekend and it was fairly warm, about 32 - 34 degrees. As it warmed up the snow started to melt and icicles started to form. Apparently, we must have had an interesting freeze - thaw cycle going on because it formed these lacy designs hanging off my carport. I've never seen icicles quite like these so I snapped a few pictures to share with you.
On my walk this morning I was treated not only to the brilliant sun, but all the beauty a winters day in January can bring... ice crackling on the river as the water moves underneath it, crystal clear blue skies, snow sparkling so bright it brings tears to your eyes, steam rising off the river as the sun starts to warm it and ducks materialize and then disappear in the mist.
Yes, I know many parts of the country are experiencing some very nasty weather, but instead of grumbling about it perhaps we should try to find things about it we could enjoy like the intricate, lacy design of these icicles or the fascinating fact that no two snowflakes are alike. How amazingly creative our God is that he would do these things for us to enjoy! So wherever you live today, stop and take a moment to enjoy this January day. Find something that you love about winter....maybe it's hot chocolate, a warm snugly blanket and a good book. Or if you're like me the awesome beauty of the cold outdoors! Whatever it is remember this......This is the day the Lord has made! Rejoice and be glad in it!
A slight departure today from the subjects that I usually paint. Most of what I do are dogs, but I live in an area that also has a lot of horses and from time to time I get a commission to paint one. This is a Morgan horse depicted against a setting of misty mountains where he is often ridden on trail rides. There are a lot of awesome wilderness trails near me and you can ride off into the sunset or sunrise and be out and totally alone and be witness to the most spectacular scenery. Sigh! While I can't be out riding a horse into the wilderness right now, I can look at this picture and dream about doing so. Maybe you can, too.
Well, I have my business plan written out and my schedule for the year is starting to take shape. My first show will be the Lewiston Spring Cluster Dog Show April 17 - 20, in Lewiston, Id. and I was just notified that I was selected to participate in the Art Under the Elms show this spring also in Lewiston, Id. The show dates are April 24 - 26. It is a part of the annual Dogwood Festival here in the valley and is a big event for our area. These are both good sized shows and coming so quickly one after the other is going to really have me hopping! I have a lot to do between now and then! I need to get started producing new work and implement the ideas that I have outlined in my plan. I have only a few months to do it in and I will still need to be working on my current commissions. So you know where I'll be for the next few months.... in my studio painting away! I'll need a picture like this horse painting that I can look at and dream about because until those first few shows are over I will be sequestered away!
Well, time to get to work. Pray for me to be flowing with ideas and the energy to paint them! Blessings until next time!
Welcome to 2009 featuring my first painting for the New Year! I've entitled this "The Line Up". It was a suggestion from my husband who thought the puppies looked like they had just gotten caught in the middle of some mischief and were lined up so the guilty party could be identified. Looks to me like they're all guilty, but mostly of stealing ones heart!
I had taken this photo last summer and believe it or not these English Setter puppies had lined up just like this. I didn't really modify the design much from the photo except to perk up the ears on two of the pups because it made them all look too sad or serious. The original photo was shot with them inside a fenced area and it really made them look like they were convicts behind bars, hence the sad looks.
This is the first in my new series of Sporting Dog paintings, just one of my goals for the new year. This piece is done in gouache and is currently for sale. Prints and note cards are also available and I will also feature it as an ACEO on Ebay. If you are interested in purchasing the original or any of the reproductions please email me at
I have many new plans for my art business this coming year so please keep watching my blog and my website for new updates. In the works will be a face lift for my website, new portrait sizes for commissioned work, and online outlets to purchase prints and other merchandise featuring my new designs. I'm excited about the new possibilities and I think you will be too. As always, thanks for looking and Happy New Year!