You may recognize this golden retriever puppy from previous paintings I've posted here. Copper has been the subject of at least three. This, in my humble opinion, is the best I've done of him. He made quite an impression on me and if you recall from previous posts he had a very bad accident and almost didn't survive. I believe that God gave him a miracle and has a special purpose in mind for Copper.
I entitled this "In His Arms" for a couple of reasons. First, I believe God held this little guy in His arms the night he was injured and healed him. (Yes, I believe God heals animals, too!) Second, I'm reminded that God holds us all and this painting makes me think of that and smile. Think about it...wouldn't you just love to be held in big, strong, protective arms? How would it make you feel, especially when you're having a tough day?
This painting is going to be a part of an upcoming show at the Valley Art Center called "Going to the Dogs" and will be on display from April 5 - May 1, 2010. It will be for sale there if you are interested in giving him a forever home. The Valley Art Center is located in Clarkston, Wa. and the opening reception will be Friday, April 5th starting at 5 p.m. if you'd like to stop by and say hello.
Well, I'm off to create something else or maybe now would be a good time to sit back, enjoy a nice cup of coffee and something chocolate to celebrate finishing this painting. I hope you're all having a great day and if not then just join Copper and think about being held by a God who loves you! Enjoy!!